Krzysiek Karbowiak
by Krzysiek Karbowiak


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It certainly does look so. I mean when a blog has a welcome post, another one, and then there is silence, what else can you think?

Well, it turns out that at least in this case, this is not true.

I started this blog because I had some thoughts I thought I would share. I had a list of topics I wanted to cover. What I did not have was some free time. Or more precisely, I did have some free time, but opted to use it to develop a side project of mine.

That project proved to be fun and engaging and while working on it, I learned a lot.

What is it?

It is C++17 implementation of Python’s argparse module.

I will announce the release of a pretty functional version in the next installment. The following posts will outline the stuff I learned while working on it.

Stay tuned.